The Copy Cat

Coming March 2020

Writing is Just the Beginning OR (mis)Adventures in Technology

Okay, so a few weeks ago, I got my revamped website up and running. Wonderful. All is good.


Except there are extra goodies I want to offer here. Enter technology. I am in the middle of making my first video.

It is a humbling experience.  Who knew my curly hair could look that wacky? Have I always had the strange look in my eyes? (oh wait, that’s the look of fear…)


The Horror!


Finally got the video done and now am in the throes of learning how to upload it to YouTube and to this website.

Here’s what I know for sure:

  • writing a book is hard work
  • getting your book published feels almost impossible at times
  • Learning everything else – videos, social media, tech stuff – that seems to be really kicking my butt.

Back to watch more of the Easy Author Marketing videos I recently purchased on

Oh, and then I might take a walk around the block.  I think I need a break!

How about you? How are you doing learning all the other stuff that a writer should know today?

Author of Children's Literature