Sunday, December 9th is the last Family Art Day at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery for 2018.

I’ll be there with bells on!
I had the opportunity to judge the Writing on the Walls exhibition, and I can’t wait to meet the middle graders who wrote such amazing poems and short stories!
The details:
12:30- 1:30 pm (RBC Learning Centre)
Awards and presentations for the Writing on the Walls exhibition, on display in the Sobey Youth Art Space
Zach Hapeman, Nancy Bauer, and Wendy McLeod MacKnight invite families to celebrate the creative writing of Devon Middle School’s Grade 6 classes.
The Writing on the Walls program is a partnership between the Beaverbrook Art Gallery and Fredericton’s literary festival, Word Feast. The goal of the program is to support the development of student literacy skills through creative writing and an increased exposure to fine art. 144 Grade 6 students wrote about 10 selected works of art in the collection! See their prose and poetry here and view the original artwork throughout the gallery.
I’ll also be talking about The Frame-Up and A Beaverbrook Holiday, doing a reading, and signing your copies!
2:00- 3:30 pm (International Wing)
Visit author Wendy McLeod MacKnight for conversations and readings from The Frame-Up and her new short story A Beaverbrook Holiday!
Finally, do you love collage and puppets?
Then the Beaverbook has an activity for you!
2:00- 5:00 pm (RBC Learning Centre)
Paper Collage Puppets with Laura Bird
Use paper cutouts, magazines, glue and pins to create your own masterpieces inspired by the Gallery’s collection of masterworks and the popular children’s book The Frame-Up written by Wendy McLeod MacKnight,
Laura-Beth Bird is a theatre artist based in Fredericton, New Brunswick with 4+ years of production experience, set building, and visual arts experience. Laura-Beth has taught youth in classrooms across New Brunswick through the Beaverbrook Art Gallery’s Outreach Program initiatives. A graduate of St. Thomas University, Laura-Beth studied Dramatics and Theatre Production. She is a mixed media artist, focusing on production for children’s entertainment.
Laura-Beth also happens to have played Madame Juliette at The Frame-Up book launch!

I absolutely plan to go down and make my own puppet!
Hope to see you Sunday!
xx Wendy