Have you ever looked at a painting and wondered what it would be like if the people/creatures inside the painting were alive?
And if they were, what if they were living lives parallel to our own, living in the world beyond the frames, a part of, and yet completely separate from, our own world?
Wendy McLeod MacKnight’s next middle grade novel, THE FRAME-UP, explores exactly this question, and what might happen if someone from our world, in this case twelve-year-old Sargent Singer, discovers this secret world.
Set in a real art gallery, the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, the story mixes thrilling adventure, loads of art theory and art history, real masterpieces as characters, and plenty of humour.
The Description:
Don’t let anyone know the paintings are alive. Thirteen-year-old Mona Dunn has adhered to that rule for almost one hundred years, ever since her portrait was hung on the walls of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. So when the gallery director’s son, Sargent Singer discovers the truth, she’s sure she’d just exposed the gallery’s biggest secret. But Sargent, an aspiring artist himself, just wants to know more about the vast and intriguing world beyond the frames. With devious plots, shady characters, and grand art heists, this inventive mystery adventure celebrates art and artists.
Featuring sixteen pages of full glossy pictures of the masterpieces who are characters in the book, this book is a must-read and a useful tool for teachers and parents who want to introduce children to art and artists in a fun, accessible way.

The artist is the very talented Ian Schoenherr, and he has absolutely captured the essence of the book and exceeded Wendy’s hopes and dreams for what the cover would look like. If you want to learn more about Ian, visit his website.
Order the Book:
The Paperback is coming June 4th and will be available at all the above locations. Plus it will have a spiffy new cover: