I’ve been thinking about reviews lately, mostly because the lovely Laura Arnhold over at Literacious.com, a wonderful middle grade literature blog, featured The Frame-Up in her weekly Books I Loved with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads series.

Most people don’t know how important reviews are to authors. They help a potential reader decide whether or not to read a book. The more reviews a book receives, there is greater potential that it will receive more attention in any particular platform, be it Amazon, Goodreads, Chapters and the like.
There are rumours that 50 reviews on Amazon somehow kicks in an algorithm that promotes the book to potential readers who are looking at similar styles of books.
In general, The Frame-Up has received excellent reviews from trade publications, The Wall Street Journal, Canadian Childhood Book Centre, and Atlantic Books Today to name but a few. But what it hasn’t gotten is a lot of readers going online and sharing their thoughts. Maybe you can change that!

If you are so inclined, please leave a review of The Frame-Up on Amazon or on Goodreads if you are a member! It would be so kind!! And who knows? It may get the book into many more people’s hands!!!!!