I, along with Teacher and MG Book Ambassador Extraordinaire Corrina Allen, have been accepted as presenters at this fall’s annual NCTE Convention!

Our topic:
Culturally Responsive Classrooms and the Arts: Poetry Visual Arts, and Storytelling
Scheduled for: Friday, November 16, 2018 12:30-1:45 p.m.
What is NCTE?
NCTE stand for National Council of Teachers of English.
Through collaboration and community, shared stories and shared experiences, NCTE supports teachers and their students in classrooms, on college campuses, and in online learning environments.
For more than 100 years, NCTE has worked with its members to offer journals, publications, and resources; to further the voice and expertise of educators as advocates for their students at the local and federal levels; and to share lesson ideas, research, and teaching strategies through its Annual Convention and other professional learning events.
Mission Statement
The National Council of Teachers of English is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. This mission statement was adopted in 1990:
“The Council promotes the development of literacy, the use of language to construct personal and public worlds and to achieve full participation in society, through the learning and teaching of English and the related arts and sciences of language.”
I can’t wait!!! See you in Houston!
Very exciting! Congratulations!
Thanks Barb!