“October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Already November, which for my oldest child, means Christmas music!
Personally, I kind of like November, in spite of the blustery days and bare trees. Snow is a constant threat in New Brunswick in November, but today the weather is balmy and windy, so who knows what the month will bring?
I’ve been exceptionally busy this past month: revising a WIP, a couple of tours at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, a few meetings with book clubs who are studying The Frame-Up. I am also starting two more projects, because it is always nice to do NaNoWriMo, even if I will be mostly writing by the seat of my pants!

I have more book club events in the coming weeks. If your book club is reading The Frame-Up, I’m happy to Skype in!
I’ve also been mentoring a class in Rochester, New York!
So far, we have met twice online and I have sent them two boxes of books. It is so much fun answering their questions and talking about books and writing!
Other things I’ve been up to:
I devoured Book two of the Book of Dust Trilogy by Philip Pullman. It is fantastic, but I think it has moved to YA, not MG anymore, though of course there will be some #mglit readers who will be fine with the (very) adult content.
As always, it was fantastic, and clocking in at 600+ pages, a long read. Now I am desperately waiting for the conclusion!
Oh and the best news of all is that the French-language rights to The Frame-Up have sold! Can’t wait until French-speaking kids are able to read in the book in their mother tongue! Hooray!
That’s my news! I hope you have all been well!