This post is my last blogpost for 2016.
So it seemed apropos to share a few things I’m most grateful about in terms of my writing career this past year. Don’t worry – it’s a short list, but heartfelt.
Writer friends
Before I became a writer, I hardly knew any writers at all. And now I have a whole community of writers to to turn to for advice, inspiration, and joy.

Books (and no, not mine!)
I read and I read and I read in 2016. My writing got better because of it, but even more so, I was inspired to reach for excellence. I don’t always achieve that excellence, but I try!

Those Who’ve Given Me a Chance & Supported Me
My agent, Lauren Galit, AKA Warrior Princess, who talks me off the ledge and sold my 2nd and 3rd books this year. Agents take big chances on we authors, and I am relieved Lauren’s faith has been rewarded!
The authors whom I admire who were so kind as to read and give blurbs for It’s a Mystery, Pig Face!
My wonderful Sky Pony Press editor, Alison Weiss, who taught me how to edit a book. She is so smart and kind I felt no pain, only exhilaration! I could not adore her more than I do!
My friends (old and new) who have stepped up to help support Pig Face’s release!
The folks who have already pre-ordered my book – you amaze me with your generosity!
Readers of this Blog
It turns out a bunch of you actually click and read this blog. Who knew? For that I am eternally grateful. Next year is going to be filled with excitement, and I hope you will be with me every step of the way!
The Kids of Garden Creek School
When you write a book for kids, you oddly do so in a room where there are no kids. Last spring, I got to spend two months working with a bunch of wonderful kids from Garden Creek School. They excited me, humbled me, frightened me, and thrilled me. And they are in my heads every day when I write! I can’t wait to get into even more schools in 2017!
Until we talk again in 2017, I wish you all a joyous holiday season and hope for a joyous and peaceful 2017!
This year has been hard for many. I know it has been hard for me. I’ve suffered loss, felt hopeless now and then, felt powerless to help those who hurt.
But I know this: so long as a light shines in the darkness, there is hope. I believe that kid lit is one such light. Illuminating, inspiring, inhabiting, invincible.
I plan to do my best to shine on in 2017. I hope you’ll join me!
Much love, Wendy xoxo

Hi Wendy, how wonderful that you have your second and third books in the pipeline too! Wishing you all the best for a Merry Christmas and a very happy 2017.
thanks Patricia! Happy New Year!