This is my last post for 2018
I’m taking a couple of weeks off to enjoy the holidays and gear up for a busy 2019.
But I wanted to write a quick post to thank you for all your support in 2018.
So often, we see social media posts that make the lives of writers seem glamorous and perfect.

The reality is this: I spent most of 2018 alone in my office, writing and revising.
So even though it may have seemed like my life was a whirlwind of book-related events —and sometimes it was—there were many moments of disappointment, many book signings where only 2 or 3 people showed up, many times when I thought my writing was so horrible I contemplated giving up.
But I didn’t give up.
And I am grateful. Grateful for the people who purchased The Frame-Up, grateful to the people who recommended it to their friends or borrowed it from the library or simply congratulated me.
I got to experience so much this year: interviews on the radio, being Artist-in-Residence at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, meeting Mona Dunn’s grandson, being reviewed by the Wall Street Journal.
I’ve been edited by the best, from my first readers to my beloved agent, Lauren Galit, to my esteemed editors at Greenwillow Books, Virginia Duncan and Katie Heit.
Mostly, I remind myself, as the year comes to a close, of how fortunate I am. Six years ago, I left my job to pursue this dream. Four years ago, Lauren Galit changed my life when she offered to represent me. My family and friends support me on a constant basis and are so patient.
In the end, our successes can only be measured against the experiences we have along the way.
Not every day as a writer is joyful, but the good days more than make up for the bad days, and the people I have met along the way have inspired and humbled me.
And the readers who have loved my books have sustained me.
You are why I write, and I thank you. And next year? Next year, I’ll be sharing lots of news about my next book, promoting the paperback version of The Frame-Up, and hopefully selling my next book.
And look for a special giveaway for blog readers only in January!
I hope the rest of 2018 treats you well, and that 2019 is all you dream it will be. So dream big, knowing I am rooting for you! Happy New Year!