Happy June!
As we all get vaccinated, there does seems to be a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of feeling, doesn’t there?
I’ve been beavering away at my work in progress, which I expect to finish the first draft of by late June/early July! That’s when the heavy lifting starts, though to be honest, it started early on this project, as I just couldn’t find the voice.
But perseverence does indeed pay off, which is something all writers need to remind themselves of when they get discouraged!
Other, non-writerly news:
Husband built a picnic table for the animals and it has been quite a hoot watching them use it:

Trying to think of some ways to keep the kids occupied during the summer months?
I highly recommend HOW TO GO ANYWHERE (AND NOT GET LOST) by Hans Aschim, illustrated by Andrés Lozano.

This fun book covers everything a budding navigator would need to know, including Early Navigation, using the sun and the stars, distance and dead reckoning, finding longitude, maps and compasses and radio waves.
It’s simply and clearly written and I can’t tell you how much I learned from reading it!
You can pick up your copy at any major bookseller or online! Guaranteed hours of fun!
Given how much I love little critters, I HAVE to tell you about this book:

I’ve been a fan of Nancy Rose for a long time, but this board book is simply DELICIOUS!
And who knows, maybe it will inspire children (or adults!) to make their own little vignettes with the critters around the house!

Finally, I recently read THORNLIGHT by Claire LeGrand, and got completely sucked in! Definitely worth a read!